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Welcome to our Resources Hub! At Hanna, we not only help you find the correct tools for your application, but we strive to improve your overall testing experience. That's why we've curated each piece of content on this page to help you achieve high quality results. From testing guides and best practices to eBooks, webinars, & more, you are bound to learn something new that you can implement in your testing environment!
Even if you test often, sometimes questions can come up while you're testing. This is where our guides come in handy! We cover it all from pH best practices to proper electrode maintenance, troubleshooting tips & more. Use our guides while testing and feel confident that you are getting your most accurate readings.
Explore our eBooks! Learn the ins and outs of pH analysis, delve into titration theory, or take an in depth look at the importance of parameters in specific industries. Our eBooks are the perfect introduction to a particular testing topic. Discover one that piques your interest!
Check out our top video selections for you below! Are you looking for more helpful videos? Head over to our YouTube Channel. We have a variety of videos posted from product how to's and overviews to industry specific content.
Visit our YouTube ChannelAre You Making These Top 10 pH Mistakes?
What is Electrical Conductivity (EC/TDS)?
Advantages of Using Automatic Titration
Get the answers to your testing questions! Our collection of webinars are designed to give you an in-depth overview of a particular parameter or industry topic. Find the one that interests you, choose from our webinar recordings below.
Our Hanna experts have curated various SOP's for you. In each SOP, they have laid out a step-by-step procedure to get the most accurate and precise results. Pick from our SOP's below and use it in your lab as a guide for your testing success!
Data Sets
Ever wonder, how does that test work, or how accurate is it really? Our Data Sets provide you with the proof you need! We cover everything from the equipment used, the procedure, and the accuracy of results. Get the method validation you seek with our Data Sets.
Case Studies
Hear from customers just like you! Check out our customer success stories and discover how our customers utilize our scientific instruments. From solving testing problems to helping to ensure a final quality product, see how other companies rely on Hanna Instruments' products for testing.

Innovation from the Start

Newport Biodiesel’s Mission in New England
It’s hard to believe that Newport Biodiesel, an 8-million gallon per year biodiesel facility, was started by its initial founder in his basement 14 years ago. Now, the company collects waste cooking oil from over 5,000 restaurants and facilities throughout Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire to produce clean burning fuel to ASTM D6751 Standards.

KK&W Water District, supplyingclean drinking water forover 100 years
The Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District has a long history of providing drinking water to Southern Maine. Since 1921, they have supplied drinking water from surface and groundwater sources. In the past, they went by several different names including Mousam Water Co., York County Water, and now Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District (KK&W).
Wachusett Brewing Company

A Global Leader in Specialty Chemistry, Equipment and Analytical Tools
Technic Inc. is a Rhode Island based corporation with over 950 employees worldwide. For over 75 years, Technic has been a global supplier of specialty chemicals, custom finishing equipment, engineered powders, and analytical control systems to the semiconductor, electrical components, printed circuit board, industrial finishing, and
decorative industries.

Putting the Fun in Science
The American Chemical Society (ACS) Midland Section creates a customizable, water quality lesson plan for Michigan middle school teachers with the help of Hanna Instruments. The main objective is to promote chemistry and improve public perception of science through innovation in research, and education.
Suburban Testing Labs
Suburban Testing Labs, a nationally recognized independent environmental testing laboratory, in Reading, PA sought to resolve several issues that hindered their confidence and field testing efficiency. The field testing equipment they used frequently malfunctioned and calibrations took at least 20 minutes or more.

A Family-Owned Vineyard & Resort Destination
Gervasi Vineyard owner Ted Swaldo and his family trace their roots straight to Italy. Inspired by Grandma Gervasi’s (maiden name) traditional Italian ways and cooking, their Tuscan-inspired dream became a reality, and today their vision continues to grow and evolve. Gervasi Vineyard began in 2009 after owner, Ted Swaldo retired as CEO at ASC Industries, Inc. in North Canton, OH. He played a key role in the development of the winery production facility.
Check Lists
Ensure that you are always set up for accurate testing with our helpful check lists. Get a complete list of everything that you need for success in your analysis. Keep a copy and hang it up in your lab, make it your go-to resource!